兰登《STEP into READING》第3级  Johnny Appleseed My Story  译文分享



“Someone is coming!” Beth yelled. It was a lean, wiry man with pep in his step. "Mama! Papa!” cried Will. “It’s Johnny!” It was Johnny Appleseed!

“有人来了!”Beth喊道。原来是一位又瘦又结实,迈着矫健步伐的男士。“妈妈!爸爸!” Will喊道,“是Johnny!”是苹果佬Johnny!

Papa stopped chopping wood. “Johnny Appleseed is always welcome!” Papa said. “He always has a good tale to tell.” Johnny smiled and waved hello. Mama invited him to stay for supper.

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“Walking gave me time to think. Folks were moving west. What would they need when they got there? Apples! I would plant an orchard!” “I got an ax and started clearing trees! CHUNK!CHUNK! CHUNK! I chopped. I made the wood chips fly!”




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thbbq  评论于  2019-7-24 17:49:36