兰登《Step into Reading》第3级 The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto 译文分享

兰登《STEP INTO READING》系列是一套非常适合小朋友们从基础入门,极具趣味性的英语启蒙原版书,来自美国著名大Random House(兰登书屋)的经典分级读物。





Gunnar and Balto waited at their stop in Bluff. They were going to run 31 miles from Bluff to Point Safety. That was the second-to-last part of the race. But the storm had slowed things down. Gunnar had been waiting for two days. He did not sleep. He wanted to be ready to go as soon as the medicine arrived.

Gunner和Balto在布拉夫等着 他们从布拉夫到安全点需要跑31英里 这是整场接力中的倒数第二段 但是暴风雪让整体的速度变慢了 Gunnar在这里等了两天没有睡觉 他想要在药品到达的时候就动身


At last Gunnar heard dogs barking. The medicine was here! He put it on the sled with a small stove and a little food. Then he hitched up his dogs. Balto stood proudly in the lead. Gunnar cracked his whip. “Mush!” he cried. That meant “go.” The team ran out into the snowy night.

最后Gunnar听到了犬吠声 药品到了!他把药装上雪橇 还带了一个小炉子和食品 接着他栓上狗 Balto骄傲的站在领头 Gunnar甩动鞭子 “mush!(就是“驾”的意思)”他喊道  雪橇队跑进了暴风雪中的夜


At first the team made good time. But soon snowdrifts blocked the trail. The dogs sank up to their necks in snow. They could not move. Some began to panic. But not Balto. He stayed calm. That helped the other dogs while Gunnar dug them out of the snow. At last the team was on its way again.

开始整个队伍进行得很顺利 但是很快雪堆阻塞了道路 雪漫过了狗狗们的脖子 他们移动不了 一些狗陷入了慌乱 但是Balto没有 他依然冷静 在Gunnar挖雪的时候 他让其他狗也平静下来 最后他们又开始了他们的旅程


Then the team crossed a frozen river. The dogs and the sled slipped and skidded on the ice. Oh, no! Over went the sled. Gunnar got it up again. But the medicine was gone! Wildly Gunnar dug for the medicine. He could not see through the heavy snow. But at last he felt the package. He put it back on the sled.

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Balto停下的正是时候 “聪明的狗狗!”Gunnar夸奖他 接着他看到Balto的爪子全湿了 如果爪子结冰了 Balto就不能动了 Gunnar赶紧把他从雪橇上解开 牵着狗来到了一堆蓬松的雪上 Gunnar抓着Balto的爪子在雪上摩擦 很快他的爪子就干了 Balto再一次整装待发



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