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【爱贝故事汇】Go away, Mr. Wolf! 走开,大灰狼!
时间:2016-07-14 13:52来源:互联网 作者:佚名 点击:
Go away, Mr. Wolf这是一本翻翻书,每一页大灰狼的图像上都有一张门形状的、可以翻开的贴纸,爸爸妈妈和宝宝们在表演这个故事的时候可以做open the door和shut the door的动作,打开门才能看到小猪们大喊“Go away, Mr. Wolf"的那段话。



狡猾的大灰狼精心装扮,想方设法地骗三只小猪开门,却一次次被拒之门外。面对大灰狼的冰激凌、跑车和游戏诱惑,小猪们始终都表现得聪明又机智,一次次地冲大灰狼大喊“Go away, Mr. Wolf”。
这是一本翻翻书,每一页大灰狼的图像上都有一张门形状的、可以翻开的贴纸,爸爸妈妈和宝宝们在表演这个故事的时候可以做open the door和shut the door的动作,打开门才能看到小猪们大喊“Go away, Mr. Wolf"的那段话。
Go away, Mr. Wolf! 走开,大灰狼!
Knock! Knock! Knock! 咚!咚!咚!
Who's that knocking at our little front door? 是谁在敲我家的小前门啊?
'Anyone for ice cream?" said a furry, friendly voice.
'Go away, Mr. Wolf', said the three little pigs. 
And they quickly shut the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock! 咚!咚!咚!
Who's that knocking at our little front door? 是谁在敲我家的小前门啊?
'Coming for a drive?" said a charming, cheery voice.
'Go away, Mr. Wolf', said the three little pigs. 
And they quickly shut the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock! 咚!咚!咚!
Who's that knocking at our little front door? 是谁在敲我家的小前门啊?
'Anyone for a game?" said a hoarse but hopeful voice.
'Go away, Mr. Wolf', said the three little pigs. 
And they quickly shut the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock! 咚!咚!咚!
Who's that knocking at our little front door? 是谁在敲我家的小前门啊?
'It's a lovely day for a swim, anybody coming with me?'
'Go away, Mr. Wolf', said the three little pigs. 
And they quickly shut the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock! 咚!咚!咚!
Who's that knocking at our little front door? 是谁在敲我家的小前门啊?
'Anybody home?'
'It's Daddy!' 
'Come on in, Daddy. We've got lots to tell you.'
厦门海沧爱贝绘本馆 (未来海岸馆即将开业)


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