发表于: 2016-1-28 18:13:44
《The Boundless》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
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% ^! `3 B/ Q2 x! X2 ~& M  r 《The Boundless》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
" q1 m! Y( ]% k
7 g/ F3 E( t! B* d% o8 O" c作者:Kenneth Oppel
1 C: E( `  x/ u2 b1 D) `$ ^, o适合年龄:8 - 12岁$ f1 N+ e7 Y% y# n) J
语言: English8 w! G/ F8 S2 i+ T& D" z
& ~6 @: X) H$ s& y: iAll aboard for an action-packed escapade from the internationally bestselling author of Airborne and the , L( S; {$ b# `
Silverwing trilogy.
& ^& R7 N4 H) s4 ?8 `/ k
# S& ~+ D0 J7 d/ K# S4 fThe Boundless, the greatest train ever built, is on its maiden voyage across the country, and first-
' g3 {: n- o! s& \, Jclass passenger Will Everett is about to embark on the adventure of his life!" r! ?: O  K, T' ~  i& d1 Z$ [

8 b& X" I8 e9 Z; Z2 EWhen Will ends up in possession of the key to a train car containing priceless treasures, he becomes the ' a& E3 I6 v$ z+ w. o
target of sinister figures from his past.0 C. F  ]% L; s+ W
: }# x: ~5 ^9 e* o
In order to survive, Will must join a traveling circus, enlisting the aid of Mr. Dorian, the ringmaster . t1 X; L9 k& h( T% N
and leader of the troupe, and Maren, a girl his age who is an expert escape artist. With villains fast 0 B: f5 F9 F# p# m: a
on their heels, can Will and Maren reach Will’s father and save The Boundless before someone winds up
. X1 j) h2 F- k' q( ^, I" `dead?

! S1 t5 V; Q* f( L! p& k1 V' C
. ]" r, x3 d+ H& p

$ v3 D; i6 Q# q. y+ I! v 《The Boundless》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
+ G4 J9 o0 R, S/ c4 K
jane_dw  评论于  2016-2-6 16:42:25
jane_dw  评论于  2016-2-6 16:42:59
thanks for sharing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
jane_dw  评论于  2016-2-6 16:43:12
jane_dw  评论于  2016-2-6 16:43:30
always 5 coins                                      
jane_dw  评论于  2016-2-6 16:43:45
last one resonse                                          
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

