悠悠小荷  发表于 2017-3-13 10:29:42| 1190 次查看 | 1 条回复

A Narrow Escape from Danger


A shepherd’s name was Tomas, but he was called Tom for short. For this exciting sail, he spent all his shillings. He placed many beautifulshells on a shelf. He found them on the shore.But soon the ship encountered pirates. They shot at the ship. Tom used a shield to protect him from injury. The ship tried its best to flee away successfully. Then a sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm. The rain came down in sheets. Tom couldn’t find a shelter. He covered himself with a sheet.  He shivered from the cold. After the rain, the sun shined again. But the ship ran around. The fresh water was running short. And there was a shortage of food, too. Tom would not await his doom. He and other five people took a boat and went away, trying to find their way out. It was a sheer gamble. They rowed the boat in two shifts. Two days later, they saw asheer cliff.  The land. They took a shortcut to go on shore. Later, they were shocked to hear of the news of shipwreck of their ship. They were lucky to evade it. But one of them, a shopkeeper was sad. He lost his shipment. The mayor cut short his meeting when he knew these people’s survival. The reporters gathered material report from Tom. They prepared to take down what he would say inshorthand. But Tom was too shy to say anything. That’s his shortcoming. Finally, he broke silence, “In short, we had a narrow escape from danger.”


ovem1283  评论于  2017-3-13 10:29:49